We four went climbing ladder bridge in Zhousan in Nantou during spring vacation.(由我們四位領軍春假唯一的戶外活動:到竹山爬天梯。) What a beautiful scenery!! We couldn't help get off the car and take the pix on the way to Zhousan. Hey, boy!! you were so lucky to take pic with two beauties.(在途中的公路,貪圖美景,下來拍個照留個紀念。哇!!這位大爺...你會不會太爽了一點,左擁右抱勒^__^ )
Oh oh....Sir, ur asshole has grass:P(喔喔~~~小菊花長草耶:P)
Our driver actually was a hardworker, he never forgot to work even came out to play. We ought to give him a thumb.(我們的司機其實是個勤奮的阿土伯,出來休閒都還不忘了工作,忍不住豎起大拇指讚揚一下! )
We were here not for soya bean curd@@ Here is the entrance.( 我們千里迢迢來竹山不是為了豆花喔@@這裡可是登山口! )
I regreted to go there suddenly. I have a terrible fearness of height. Why did I make this sucky decision. This mountain had been off limits for 10 years and had experienced 921 earthquake , it now has re-opened to public. The scenery is very natural , and the ground is very muddy. Be careful to walk there.(突然間,我後悔跟來了...小的有嚴重的懼高症,幹嘛將自己推入火坑呢!各位客倌,這裡曾經山崩封山10年,又經歷921的洗禮後,於去年5月又重新開幕(怪怪的:P應該是重新開放),自然景觀相當的天然,地上當然也是泥濘一片,走這一段路一定要特別小心喔!)
(Everyone took pic with a backward glance and with a mile for memory, but mine was scared.( 每個人都留個回眸一笑紀念,我卻是驚恐的表情@@ )
Hey buddy, you imitated too ugly/o/(這位老兄...你也學得太醜了吧/o/ )
I found out Shan and Rong covered up my face on purpose as taking pix. Well...they are wicked! I decide to stop friendship with them for 30 seconds><(我發現shan和rong都很故意,趁我無法動彈的時候,拍照都把我的臉遮住,哼!心機很重的兩個人!我要跟妳們絕交30秒啦>< )
Do you know the reason why I was always with Rong on the part of ladder?(在下階梯的這一段,我都跟rong一起...你們知道為什麼嗎? )
Coz he is a useful climbing stick...ha ha ha~~~(哈哈哈~~~~因為他可是我的登山杖...好用的勒:P(不過這位先生下階梯這一段都在幫麥X登打廣告,手上拿的飲料也喝太久了^^)
Ya!!! We arrived the flats finally, and here was a whole fresh green bamboo!! I felt relaxed all of a sudden and started to walk quickly. Then Maylin also followed after me. Look!! two pretty asses:P (what the hell?? How my back is more beautiful than front?!)( 耶!!終於到平地了...又有一片翠綠的竹林,頓時間...人輕鬆了起來,馬上開始小碎步健行(急的勒~~~呵^^)後來maylin也跟上了...看看兩個翹臀:P(我發現我背後怎麼看起來比前面美呀?!)
I couldn't help make a cute face expression^^(呵~~~開心的忍不住做個可愛表情^^ )
I'd like to climb as seeing the bamboo, but I'm still a human being, can't make it...sigh~~(看到竹子就想爬,無奈姑娘我還是"人"...怎麼都無法成功:(
Rong who doesn't evolve completely was high for himself. Wow!! this monkey was so smart to rub our cookies and umbrella. hehee~~~(然而未進化完全的rong自己卻在旁邊high了起來。哇塞!這隻猴子也太聰明了吧,還懂得搶我們的餅乾和雨傘...哈哈哈~~~ )
It's good for everyone to hang around on the mountains! We did have fun.(有空到山上走走真的很棒!看我們玩得多不亦樂乎?! )
Sir...May I ask you what did you resent for??(這位大哥...請問你是在憤慨甚麼呢?? )
Pulled someone's hair...childlish;liked to imitate the action of Titanic...sigh~~be an adult!!!(拉人頭髮...幼稚;又愛玩鐵達尼號的橋段...唉~~~(搖頭中)
The servant had a thought to run away...No way!!Take my grisly hook...wa ha ha(我們家的長工兼司機居然想逃走...哼~~~看我的無影勾...讓你插翅也難飛!^+++^ )
The servant not only needed to do works but to accept obscene behavior of touching chest.It is really competitive to work in the society.(除了要做工,還要接受指染襲胸。現在外面果然很競爭:P )
The farmer digged out bamboo shoot, and Maylin couldn't pull up . Opps!! so shy to sit on it~~(阿土伯挖出小竹筍,maylin太秀氣了拔不出來;哎呀!好害羞喔...不小心坐到了~.~ )
Mood became wonderful after breathing the smell of nature in natural surronding.(來到自然的景觀環境,呼吸芬多精,心情變得超好 )
Free kisses~~~Sir...you looked so painful....weirdly=.=a (免費贈送愛的親親吧!只是大爺啊~~~你會不會太痛苦了一點=.=a )
This buddy came here to play ball by umbrella@@...hey dude!!!don't contend for my shot!!(pushed him as he was absentmind)(這位老兄來這裡用傘打球...大膽刁民!敢搶我的鏡頭>'<(趁他不注意,偷推一把:P)
I will disappear from here coz I'm a coward. They three were responsible for the beautiful backward sceney. Here is the instrction of ladder bridge.( 從這裡之後就沒有我了,因為我是膽小鬼:P 後面的美景就交給其他三人負責。天梯的說明。 )
This a bridge which even a doggy is scared!! It's true!!To be honest, the scenery is really awesome.( 從天梯上面看到的美景,這是一座連小狗都會怕的天梯!真的!! )
They were just too much, how dare they did such dangerous actions@@ And they didn't think that I was at the head of bridge to wait for them><(這些人真是太過分,居然敢做這麼危險的動作@@也不想想我在橋的那頭等著,還在這裡玩>< )
It is a super efficacious temple of Earth God , no matter you ask fortune or marriage...heehee Shan, what were you asking for? so serious and sincere.^+++^(超靈驗土地公廟--不管求財還是求姻緣...shan,你到底在求甚麼啊?那麼認真^+++^ )
Here is "one line sky" of legend.Wow!! Maylin could carry on the big stone by her slim shape expectedly; the incredible was Shan could lift it with one finger...heee(這裡就是傳說中的一線天。 哇塞...maylin你那麼纖細,居然還扛的起來那塊大石;最猛的是shan,一隻手就行了...猴腮雷! )
The waterfall!!I wanted to play with water eagerly.(青龍瀑布!嗚嗚~~我也想玩水啦>< )
Turns out we didn't treat the driver well for nothing, only he rushed back to accompany with me.(In fact, he was tired and came back for rest/o/)果然沒有白疼司機,只有他一個人衝回來陪我(腳程不夠快喔...我已經在那個樓梯爬了一個多小時,都培養出感情了呢,還唱歌給它聽^^)(其實他是累了,回來休息的/o/)接下來,我們就在那裏等另外兩個美女一個多小時(總共我花了大約快3小時,陪著這張椅子和前往天梯的樓梯@@)
It was foggy at four pm...another fairyland.(才下午四點就起霧了,倒也是另外一種美麗 )
We climbed the mountain safely at last. We were so hungry, so had soya bean caud.(終於平安的爬完山,肚子好餓,就吃個豆花吧 )
We should experience some events and beauties as we are alive. Otherwise, it's late as u have no feeling about anything. In spite of the fact that I inspire myself of it, I still am afraid to pass across the ladder bridge. I realize that the most beautiful scenery is at another section of bridge; I know you are alone with urself. But this is like life, no one can accompany with u for life. All you can do is treasure present!!(我們總是要趁著活著的時候,去感受一些事物,等到你沒感覺的時候,就為時已晚了!雖然我這麼的激勵自己,還是不敢冒險走過天梯;我也明白過去的風景更美,我也明白自己一個人會孤獨,但這就像人生,沒有人可以陪你一起走到最後,你唯一能做的,就是把握當下!)
Take a look at more pix(看更多照片):