JiJi trip
So glad could go biking in JiJi with my sweet babe^^She is amazing to win everyone's heart.(真高興可以跟我的小寶貝一起去集集騎腳踏車^^開心開心~~~小寶貝超會撒嬌的啦!我一上車就抱住我叫阿姨oh ho ho ho~~~ )
We waited for limin and liya in front of the JiJi station. Yuxin imitated her older sister to play on the chair but was afraid to climb down.haha...this behavior is the same as me. We look brave but are cowards@@ Zijung was cuter today due to smile face.(在集集車站前面等王小min和王小ya。yuxin想學姐姐在椅子上玩,結果不敢下來(這一點跟我蠻像的,都是看起來勇敢,其實是三腳貓@@)今天zijung的臉比較不臭囉,看起來可愛多了^^ )
What a joyful family.(這一家人真討厭,在演我的家庭真可愛~~~哈:P(但最討厭的在後面.....)
I have limin fortunately.( pls keep the secret for us, we are together for a long time^o^)I was nervous as riding bike at the beginning, very unstable but very comfortable.(幸好我有王小min(看到的人請保守秘密=.=我們在一起很久了^o^)剛騎腳踏車的時候真的還蠻緊張的,非常不穩,會搖晃,but超舒服的~~邊吹風邊看風景邊騎腳踏車 )
wow...my favorite baby, how cutie!!!! She is very funny.She was too slow to go to school almost late one morning. Her mom was going crazy to yell at her: "why are u so slow, why?why?tell me why?" And her sister also asked her( maybe was afraid that her mom will score her):"speak out..why?" Then cute baby said poorly:"why." Her mom laughed hardly after baby answered, coz she just wanted to ask the reason not for this word" why"^+++^(哇~~我最愛的小寶貝,怎麼那麼可愛啦^^她真的很好笑...有一天早上動作慢,上學要遲到,衣服都還沒有穿好,她那歇斯底里的娘開始吶喊:"你動作怎麼那麼慢,為什麼?為什麼?你說啊,為什麼?"姐姐也在旁敲邊鼓(可能怕被罵吧,哈^^):"你說啊,你說啊,為什麼?"結果小寶貝就很可憐的說:"為什麼?"她阿娘聽到這三個字就忍不住大笑,因為她要問的是原因,而不是要她說"為什麼"這三個字^+++^ )
Zijung becomes fatter than before and has more smiles on face...cuter!! continue maintaining^^(姐姐最近有肉了,臉也比較不臭,變得可愛多了^^要繼續保持喔~~~ )
I have limin fortunately.( pls keep the secret for us, we are together for a long time^o^)I was nervous as riding bike at the beginning, very unstable but very comfortable.(幸好我有王小min(看到的人請保守秘密=.=我們在一起很久了^o^)剛騎腳踏車的時候真的還蠻緊張的,非常不穩,會搖晃,but超舒服的~~邊吹風邊看風景邊騎腳踏車 )
wow...my favorite baby, how cutie!!!! She is very funny.She was too slow to go to school almost late one morning. Her mom was going crazy to yell at her: "why are u so slow, why?why?tell me why?" And her sister also asked her( maybe was afraid that her mom will score her):"speak out..why?" Then cute baby said poorly:"why." Her mom laughed hardly after baby answered, coz she just wanted to ask the reason not for this word" why"^+++^(哇~~我最愛的小寶貝,怎麼那麼可愛啦^^她真的很好笑...有一天早上動作慢,上學要遲到,衣服都還沒有穿好,她那歇斯底里的娘開始吶喊:"你動作怎麼那麼慢,為什麼?為什麼?你說啊,為什麼?"姐姐也在旁敲邊鼓(可能怕被罵吧,哈^^):"你說啊,你說啊,為什麼?"結果小寶貝就很可憐的說:"為什麼?"她阿娘聽到這三個字就忍不住大笑,因為她要問的是原因,而不是要她說"為什麼"這三個字^+++^ )
Zijung becomes fatter than before and has more smiles on face...cuter!! continue maintaining^^(姐姐最近有肉了,臉也比較不臭,變得可愛多了^^要繼續保持喔~~~ )
Yuxin is really swollen beside her sister.Big tummy and fat face~~I'm eager to hug her now^^Another boy said he perfers sister due to all Yuxin did is eat and ignore him always. haha..baby...you have to control not to eat too mcuh!!(站在姐姐旁邊,小寶貝真的腫了...超凸的肚肚和肉肉的臉頰~~好想再抱抱她喔!阿弟說喜歡姐姐的原因是因為yuxin都只顧著吃飯不理他,所以他比較喜歡zijung!哈~寶貝呀!吃東西要克制!)
A garden in JiJi. The condition of entering is donate 10 dollars. Heaven has eyes.(集集的一座花圃。要自己樂捐10元才能進去喔,人在做,天在看!^^ )
limin said if she has child afterward, she wants me to teach her child how to pose, coz I warned her not to pose" YA" anymore. Wanted to obscene Ling; but Zijung was in back of me and bitten me sneakly.(王小min說以後如果她有小孩的話,要讓我教拍照的姿勢,因為一路上我不斷的警告她...不要再比YA了。想要猥褻ling...螳螂捕蟬,黃雀在後,想不到zijung在我背後偷咬一口^^ )
A garden in JiJi. The condition of entering is donate 10 dollars. Heaven has eyes.(集集的一座花圃。要自己樂捐10元才能進去喔,人在做,天在看!^^ )
limin said if she has child afterward, she wants me to teach her child how to pose, coz I warned her not to pose" YA" anymore. Wanted to obscene Ling; but Zijung was in back of me and bitten me sneakly.(王小min說以後如果她有小孩的話,要讓我教拍照的姿勢,因為一路上我不斷的警告她...不要再比YA了。想要猥褻ling...螳螂捕蟬,黃雀在後,想不到zijung在我背後偷咬一口^^ )
Zijung was with me and turned out cuter :P) zijung果然跟我在一起,可愛多了:P
Cool!!! Seems like Wang Fang(哇!好像王菲耶~~ )
I wanted to kidnapped her badly.><(超想綁架回家的啦><) Her body was so concorted.^o^(身體超扭曲的小孩^o^ )
What a poor Daddy...slept outside and took two kids. But you forgot to put a bowl on the ground...so~~~:P(老爸怎麼那麼可憐...露宿街頭,還帶著兩個小孩。但你們忘了放碗...so~~~:P )
Cool!!! Seems like Wang Fang(哇!好像王菲耶~~ )
I wanted to kidnapped her badly.><(超想綁架回家的啦><) Her body was so concorted.^o^(身體超扭曲的小孩^o^ )
What a poor Daddy...slept outside and took two kids. But you forgot to put a bowl on the ground...so~~~:P(老爸怎麼那麼可憐...露宿街頭,還帶著兩個小孩。但你們忘了放碗...so~~~:P )
Too sweet@@(會不會太甜了一點@@ )
Resignedly gazing at the lake.(無奈的遙望一片湖^^)
It was very comfortable to have cool ice cream right now; however, Papa, how could you stand in the society if you are so pathetic to have kid's ice cream?(這個時候,吃吃涼爽的冰很舒服。不過,這位爸爸,連小孩的冰都要,這樣以後你怎麼在這個社會上立足啊???)
Baby's hair looked like a crazy woman at last...hehee!!(玩到後來,小寶貝的頭髮已經像瘋婆子了,哈~~~ )
Go biking is really a wonderful sport, very hot-blooded and very young!! All we need is high high high if come out to play^^Y(騎腳踏車真的是一項很棒的運動,非常的熱血,非常的青春!出來玩就是要high^^Y)
Resignedly gazing at the lake.(無奈的遙望一片湖^^)
It was very comfortable to have cool ice cream right now; however, Papa, how could you stand in the society if you are so pathetic to have kid's ice cream?(這個時候,吃吃涼爽的冰很舒服。不過,這位爸爸,連小孩的冰都要,這樣以後你怎麼在這個社會上立足啊???)
Baby's hair looked like a crazy woman at last...hehee!!(玩到後來,小寶貝的頭髮已經像瘋婆子了,哈~~~ )
Go biking is really a wonderful sport, very hot-blooded and very young!! All we need is high high high if come out to play^^Y(騎腳踏車真的是一項很棒的運動,非常的熱血,非常的青春!出來玩就是要high^^Y)
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wow... is tat ur kid? she's cute! :D
wow... is she ur kid? she's sooooo cute!
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