lazy bum Fun Taiwan!!

have fun all the time!!

Monday, September 01, 2008

2008.08.31 family reunion in Tainan遊台南

My bro works in Tainan and hasn't come home for a long time. We miss him a lot;hence, I took my parents and sis to visit him before I leave TW.(俺底底在台南工作且鮮少回家,我們太想他了,所以決定在我離開台灣前,帶著爹娘和小妹去台南找他)
Chia-my baby sis. She is too skinny due to braces.She will be pretty as taking it off.(我的寶貝小妹,一隻瘦鬼猴,因為牙套的關係,所以等她拆下來後,會是個美人兒)
Me, viya!
My bro reservered a nice curry restaurant--Mayin.(我弟訂了一家很棒的咖哩餐廳-馬印)
Bro-Yan and his gal--wanying.

Bro is too popular that we both would like to take pics with him.(我弟太紅了,我們都想跟他照相)

Me and parents.
Big yawn like a hippo.(像隻大河馬)
Waiting for the lunch.(等吃飯)
The curry crab is really delicious. My bro hated sea food, but he had it.(這裡的咖哩螃蟹真的很讚,俺底底可是討厭吃海鮮的人,但是寶貝~~~~他 吃 了!!!!!!)
My dad wore like a Thai and enjoyed his Thai hot pot.(俺爹穿得像泰國人,還開心的享用他的泰式火鍋)
My sis said it looked yummy yumyy as I ate my dish.(俺妹妹說看我吃的樣子就覺得好吃)
Whole family.I love them so much. Only them and friends who I really care about can make me angry when they did something wrong or were bullied by others.(全家福。真愛我的家人們!只有他們和一些我真的關心的朋友們做錯事時或被欺負時才會讓我生氣)
He isn't stupid, he is my bro.(他不呆,他是我弟)
Silly four. We put on white cream as lipstick.(愚蠢四人組。我們把奶油塗在嘴上當口紅)
My sis was doing colorful nail paint.(妹正在做指甲彩繪)
And a strawberry showed up.(噹噹噹!!一顆草莓耶)
My bro took us to Tainan museum. I love Paris Tower.So cute!!(接著我弟帶我們去民俗博物館。真可愛的巴黎鐵塔)
Chia took advantage of fake fire to make warm.haaa(Chia用假火取暖)

Me and Sis.
Me and Mom.

It is a nice museum. Colorful, young and quiet.Many people just sat there to take a rest.(真是一間不錯的博物館。繽紛色彩,年輕又安靜。很多人都進來休息呢)

Me and Dad.
There is a fire station in front of the museum.119 with old building, another good outlook.(在博物館前面有一間消防局。119搭配老舊建築,另外一種美)
Hey gal!! I know you love me so much, but I still love man....hahaaa:P(北鼻啊!俺知道你愛我,但是老娘還是愛男人啊....哈哈哈)
My dad looked like the boss of a gang from Thai.(我爹看起來像從泰國來的大哥)
He isn't a Thai, he is my dad.(他不是泰國人啦!是俺爹爹)
My bro led us to Anping old street.(接著去安平老街)
Too hot@@ My back sweated a lot.(熱到整個背都是汗)
Happy ending!! My family knew I like photographing, so they just did what I requested.*Love*(他們都知道我愛拍照,還很配合我呢!愛你們喔^^)

2008.08.09 friends visit

Where Alex stood in front of is the famousest church in TW--Louis Church in Thong Hai University.(hahaa...I feel so honorable coz it's my school!! wa ha ha) After hanging out Thong Hai, we went to Fongjia night market which is my favorite one.(Alex可是站在全台灣最有名的教堂-東海大學的路思易教堂前面呢!我感到非常的榮幸,因為那可是在下我的母校...ㄏㄏ)晃完東海後,我們去我最愛的逢甲夜市
Acted cute of eating octupus.(吃章魚燒裝一下可愛)
Acted silly.(蠢樣)
Alex focused on his octopus.(非常專心在他的章魚燒)

Chichi time!!(做作的時間到了)

Man~~~chichi too much^+++^(ㄟㄟㄟ....這張太over囉)
Ready for biking.I took this pic at home fortunately.Because I fell down from bike and got some injuries, then I was in a mood to photograph anymore.(騎腳踏車前拍一張。還好我有在家先拍,因為之後騎腳踏車跌倒,我就沒有心情拍照了)

Alex and Jason with High Speed Train.(艾力克斯和傑森在高鐵前一照)
I love Ellen's leg, very pretty and fit.(我真愛艾倫的腿兒,很美)
Alex with his pork chop.
James and Alex. James is another funny and nice guy.Easygoing and knows how to play.He is also the type of "work hard, play hard."Don't you think you two were too far to photograph???(詹姆士和艾力克斯。James非常好玩,人很好"逗陣"(台)而且也知道怎麼玩,也是一個瘋狂工作努力玩的咖。嘿!!你們兩個會不會拍照離的太遠了)
James,Ellen,Alex and Me!
Serious Jason.(嚴肅的Jason)
Fake smile Jason!(假笑的Jason)
Killer Jason!!But he kills only his pork chop.(殺手傑森!!但是只殺他的豬排)
Hey dudes!!you all should come to Taichung frequently to hang out with me:) (嘿!朋友們!你們應該常來台中找在下玩的^^)