lazy bum Fun Taiwan!!

have fun all the time!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

castle trip

Silly Rong woke me up in the early morning to Castle with him and his friend.=.= There was crowd and expensive during Chinese New Year, but the scene is fucking wonderful^^(87朋友在新年的一大早摳咪跟他和朋友一起去古堡玩。新年期間,人多又貴,但是景色還真是美不勝收!!)

Silly Rong stole my pretty purse happily. I doubted that maybe he is a gay. haha(阿呆偷了我美麗的皮包還沾沾自喜,早就懷疑他是gay了...哈哈!!)

His friend, Wei, was from Kaohsiung.(來自高雄的朋友)

They were "broken back Mt.". How dare they flirted with each other under the sun.I knew it!! Look!! They jumped excitedly for their love.(他們簡直是斷背山!我就知道!!他們斗膽在光天化日之下調情!看啊!!他們正開心的為了他們的愛情跳躍呢!)

Here is like a garden with many beautiful flowers. What the pity is it lacks for a princess. Well...I can accept it by my kindness. Wa ha ha(裡面就像一座花園,只是少了公主,看來我得來接收它了...哇哈哈!!)

Somehow I like my lines of body...long and thin (Oh My~~I'm an empty glory girl/o/)(不知怎麼搞的,我還蠻喜歡我的身體線條--瘦瘦長長的!!呵~~我真是一個虛榮的傢伙/o/)

Umm...My gestures were so many, and I was aware to create some new ones. Too many gestures were repeated.@@(我的動作真多,看來我得想些新的花招,太多重複了@@)
I tried my best to hastle the flower ball away; Wei wanted to push it forward easily; the most funny was Rong tried to put gas to put it away. ha ha ha^^ By the way, the bottom left pic is Rong wore my mask to pretend as a thief and looked at me with deep feeling.(我使出吃奶的力要推這個花球;高雄仔想四兩撥千斤的撥開它;最好笑的是阿呆想用他的屁逼走這顆花球...哈哈~~笑死人了!!最左下方的那張照片是阿呆戴我的口罩,標題是:不棄嫌的與匪賊深情對看^_^)

This stair is so beautiful, but we gave up walking up. There were two reasons we didn't do it: one was time to go coz Wei's train was coming soon; another was I fell down again as we arrived there at the beginning.If we walked up and I fell down from top to bottom, then it was a big shame:P(這條階梯是蠻美的,但我們放棄往上爬的兩個理由:一個是因為高雄仔的火車快來了;另一個是因為我剛到那裏就跌倒了,如再爬上去,後滾下來就糗了@@)

went biking at Green Tunnel

Yeah!! Chinese New Year is coming~~To celebrate it by taking some adorable pix^^ heee....I'm so superficial(耶~~為了慶祝新年的到來,來拍個幾張可愛的照片^^我真是虛榮耶~~)
Ting, who is on the up left side, is going to get married this April. I felt a little weird as she told me about marriage. Probably I was reluctant to let go due to our friendship. Arwee and I went to a nice restaurant called banana ground here is I'd like to take Yun to have meal.(在左上角的美女今年四月就要結婚了,當她告訴我這個消息的時候,還覺得蠻奇怪的,可能捨不得吧!Arwee帶我去香蕉新樂園吃飯,還不賴,等Yun來了,我也想帶她去)

My junior high school classmate, Qi Fan who is on the up left pic, invited me to go biking with his colleague, Jackie, at Green Tunnel on the next day. It was a nice and beautiful day. We enjoyed what we saw and felt.(隔天國中同學帶著他的同事找我去綠色隧道騎腳踏車,那天風清氣爽,我們非常的enjoy所見的美景)

My anthomaniac classmate...ha ha(我的花癡同學。。。呵~~)

Their didn't have a good connection.^.^(他們的感情不好^.^)

Wow!! The bridge was broken due to 921 earthquake. I tried my best to raise it up, but I was too weak. Look!! Qi Fan could lift it up easily only with one finger.(這座橋因為921的關係斷掉了,我使出吃奶的力要把它抬起來,但是我太纖弱了。反倒是我同學很輕鬆的用一指神功的撐起它^^)

921 earthquake memorial.(921 紀念碑)

We went biking back and forth about 30 KM from day to night, and my legs couldn't help shake myself. However, he was still able to go ahead. What a monster!! Even if we were so tired, we still reached the destination.^^a(我們來回騎了30公里,從白天騎到天黑,我的雙腿不有自主的顫抖!然而我的怪物同學依舊向前衝。雖然我們累癱了,可是還是騎到終點喔YA!!)

We visited God Ma Zu in Da Jia in final.(最後我們去探望一下媽祖娘娘囉^^)

year end party

We were emcee at the year end party. We led them to dance before lunch.(我們是這次尾牙的主持人,首先熱場先用蠟筆小新帶動唱)
Every team has their own performance. Let's take a look our performers. They are beautiful dancers.(每一隊都有自己的表演。首先亮相的是我們美麗的舞群)

The next, four grunters. I admire their courage to make up ugly.(接下來,四大金剛!!我很欽佩她們的勇氣,願意扮醜)
We performed wrestling show. Everyone couldn't help laugh hardly as they showed up.(我們表演摔角,每個來賓都笑翻了^^)
Then they ended this show by a cute dancing.(最後以一首可愛的舞蹈結束)

We did our best to pleasure our guests. My colleagues, Chia Rong and Jun How, played as an old famous star and his daughter. Everyone laughed hardly and screamed a lot.(我們使出渾身解數去取悅我們的來賓。我的同事扮成豬哥亮和謝金燕,大家都笑到吱吱叫呢!!)
We were beaten by this male bitch. Chia How dressed as a rabbit girl to tempt the first level manager. What a bitch way...ha ha ha(我們就是輸給這個騷貨,他居然扮成兔女郎去吸引部長,這招太賤了啦>"<。。。哈~~)

We weren't able to lose the face of emcee for sure. Chia Hwa and Chih Young exchanged their gender and danced hot and sexy.Oh My~~this guy's breast was so well-stacked.(當然我們也不是省油的燈。另外一組主持人大跳Mr. Q,非常的火辣、性感。天啊!!這個男人的上半身真令人噴鼻血!!)

Despite the fact that we were the second, we still had a good time. My manager invited us to perform at her son's wedding party.(儘管我們只得到第二名,我們還是玩的很開心!經理還邀請我們去她兒子的婚禮上表演呢!^^)

shinzou trip

We took a trip to Shinzou where the famous food is meat ball and rice-flour noodles. We liked to make some cute gestures. Look!! How superficial we were. We had no idea why we took pic with the sculpture.@@(我們去貢丸和米粉的名產的新竹玩。我們是一群膚淺的傢伙,喜歡裝可愛。令人納悶的是我們也不知道為何我們都要跟這個雕像照相@@)

The most funny was we took pic in front of stranger's home due to its nice pillar maybe :P.(好笑的是,我們還在人家的門前拍照,可能是因為它的柱子很美吧:P)

Look!! Just pretended to be Hercules! Idiot~~(假裝自己是大力士,87喔!!)

Then we saw a nice tea shop where offers tranditional Hakka tea and is popular . We decided to make tea and have tea there.(But the important point was we'd like to take funny pix..haha)(後來我們看到一家很棒也蠻有名的擂茶店,於是決定在那裏自己做擂茶喝。)(其實是想在那裏拍照)
It has special decoration, like the tea set and antique chairs. Even if I am not interested in housework, we still pretended that we made tea. Truth be told, the boss helped us finish it.(這家店的裝潢還蠻特別的,比如說有古董茶具和古董椅。雖然我對做家事沒有興趣,但還是要假裝一下。坦白說,最後都是老闆做的啦:P)

We ended this trip by statisfied mood without finishing tea and cookies^^(來個漂亮的Ending吧^^)