castle trip
Silly Rong woke me up in the early morning to Castle with him and his friend.=.= There was crowd and expensive during Chinese New Year, but the scene is fucking wonderful^^(87朋友在新年的一大早摳咪跟他和朋友一起去古堡玩。新年期間,人多又貴,但是景色還真是美不勝收!!)
Silly Rong stole my pretty purse happily. I doubted that maybe he is a gay. haha(阿呆偷了我美麗的皮包還沾沾自喜,早就懷疑他是gay了...哈哈!!)
Silly Rong stole my pretty purse happily. I doubted that maybe he is a gay. haha(阿呆偷了我美麗的皮包還沾沾自喜,早就懷疑他是gay了...哈哈!!)
His friend, Wei, was from Kaohsiung.(來自高雄的朋友)
They were "broken back Mt.". How dare they flirted with each other under the sun.I knew it!! Look!! They jumped excitedly for their love.(他們簡直是斷背山!我就知道!!他們斗膽在光天化日之下調情!看啊!!他們正開心的為了他們的愛情跳躍呢!)
Here is like a garden with many beautiful flowers. What the pity is it lacks for a princess. Well...I can accept it by my kindness. Wa ha ha(裡面就像一座花園,只是少了公主,看來我得來接收它了...哇哈哈!!)
Somehow I like my lines of body...long and thin (Oh My~~I'm an empty glory girl/o/)(不知怎麼搞的,我還蠻喜歡我的身體線條--瘦瘦長長的!!呵~~我真是一個虛榮的傢伙/o/)
Umm...My gestures were so many, and I was aware to create some new ones. Too many gestures were repeated.@@(我的動作真多,看來我得想些新的花招,太多重複了@@)
I tried my best to hastle the flower ball away; Wei wanted to push it forward easily; the most funny was Rong tried to put gas to put it away. ha ha ha^^ By the way, the bottom left pic is Rong wore my mask to pretend as a thief and looked at me with deep feeling.(我使出吃奶的力要推這個花球;高雄仔想四兩撥千斤的撥開它;最好笑的是阿呆想用他的屁逼走這顆花球...哈哈~~笑死人了!!最左下方的那張照片是阿呆戴我的口罩,標題是:不棄嫌的與匪賊深情對看^_^)
This stair is so beautiful, but we gave up walking up. There were two reasons we didn't do it: one was time to go coz Wei's train was coming soon; another was I fell down again as we arrived there at the beginning.If we walked up and I fell down from top to bottom, then it was a big shame:P(這條階梯是蠻美的,但我們放棄往上爬的兩個理由:一個是因為高雄仔的火車快來了;另一個是因為我剛到那裏就跌倒了,如再爬上去,後滾下來就糗了@@)
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