Performers from Statistic in ThongHai
vsop:還沒喊號碼就輸了被彈12下耳朵,一踏出全家就下大雨的小可憐2號(lost the game without playing it and was shot ears by fingers 12 times. It rained heavily as she walked out the Family store. Poor baby#2)
skylee:有情有義特地從澎湖趕來,在回程公車上憋了2個多小時的小可憐3號(participated in the reunion particularly from Pong Hu island. Can't go to bathroom for more than two hours on back bus.Poor baby#3)
cleo:穿著小高跟全程爬完溪頭,豈是一個猛字了得的克麗歐(climbed up and down with high heel, cool!!)
lulu:連玩心臟病每盤都輸又有懼高症的俗仔,根本是披著女人外表的男人(lost in every heart disease games and had fear of height. I'm a chicken who is a man with a woman's looking.)
小君:隔日一早有事得趕回台南仍來參加同學會,因此唯一得到寵幸,與五大美女共度一晚的幸運兒(couldn't join the other day's reunion but still dashed to Taichung from Tainan; hence he got the chance to spend one night with five beauties)Gama:耳朵被彈到很有財庫,目前準備接下行天宮主任、乩童出身的搞笑1號(the ear was shot to be very fortune, his part time job is a Taoist now. Funny#1)(In Chinese tradition, the fatter ear u have, the big fortune you own)
龜維:唸書唸到搞不清楚怎麼正常講話,還是一樣捲的搞笑2號(studies too hard to know how to speak clearly. Funny#2)
蛋頭:根本沒唸書準備教甄考試卻偷偷練投籃的搞笑3號(didn't prepare for the teacher's exam but sneaked and practiced to shoot basketball. Funny#3)
windplane:皮膚白皙氣死少女們,第一個搶到留言頭香的香主(the first messenger winner who has white skin to make girls envious.)
(can't hear clearly from speaking in front of him but instead of in back of him)
yellow:度過內分泌旺盛時期,在回程公車上跟阿伯搶走道坐的長腿叔叔(uncle long feet who spent incretion period and had nice skin now and fighted for the aisle seat with an elder on back bus)
小gi:隨時隨地都在蠕動,連續講2.5小時的話也不會累的超級公關(super publicist who always shook his body and wasn't tired by continuing 2.5 hrs speaking.)
Mary:大一英文班相依為命,目前仍舊喜歡講冷笑話的洪老師(Mr. Hong who was the guy only attended the same English class with me and still liked to speak cold jokes now.)
Obleft:根本是來幫大家背水壺的芋頭(came here to help everyone carry their pitchers)
Swei:拿著少女用的超薄手機,又愛裝台中人的嘉義魂(pretened to be a Taichung people and used the dainty cell phone)
喬治:10點還在上msn趕不上溪頭公車,又有山路恐懼症的人體擔架(human handbarrow who was still on msn at 10 but couldn't catch the Xi-Tou bus, and had the fear of mountain road)
Sway:假公務名義行偷用流量之實的史威(took advantage of the name of office business but snuck to use its flow rate)
Mary & his lovely fiancee
Gama & his lovely Bernice