We are shy and lively girls and wanna experience their H.K life certainly.hehe…the next stop is horse race! How cool the off-track stop is!! Many uncles and elders looked over us. Most of the gamblers are males, only few females (they were almost aunts).Perhaps fewer young ladies go to off-track stop ^_^(我們是一群害羞開朗的少女,來到香港要體驗他們的生活,下一站就是賽馬!我們就在黃大仙附近的投注站買馬票和六合彩!這個頭注站超有feel的,擠到爆,一堆尋夢的叔叔伯伯都往我們這個進港團瞧,因為裡面去簽賭的都是男性,女性只有個位數,(幾乎都是阿姨級)難得有粉味的進去投注站吧!^_^)
We took a stroll in Wong Tai Sing temple and imitated people to shake the lots can ; then we went to horse court(we were free to enter in by tourist position)! There were crowded, and everyone researched horse races by horse newspaper! We took pix just like tourists.(先去黃大仙晃晃,學一下人家求籤。接著去馬場(我們是觀光客免費入場哦),哇~~~放眼過去都是人,大家都拿著馬報研究賽馬,but我們卻像觀光客拍照。)
Finally, it was our turn! No.10, No.10! it was the number we gambled. We also imitated those people to shout our horse number. Ya~ It was the third! The pity was we gambled “only win” not “win place”, or we'll win less!(等好久終於輪到我們的場次,10號!10號!這是我們簽的號碼,我們也學賭馬的人喊著馬號!!天啊!跑第3名耶,可惜我們是簽獨贏的,不是簽位置,不然我們還小贏哦!)
See!! we are disappointed about lossing the game. (看看我們賭輸的消極模樣)
The next stop is Mong Kong! The sun was hot and bright, and we were also tired and would like to eat foods (hehe…George liked Japanese food very much) Then we went to women street. It looked like Zhong-hua night market in Taichung. The differences are more foreigners there and the bosses are very great to speak English, Mandarin and Cantonese. One of those vendors who was female and sold clothes scored her clients due to they couldn't make a purchase by suitable prices!! H.K women are really tough ^_^(離開了沙田,去旺角逛一下,太陽太大,大家也有點累,想去美心酒樓吃港式飲茶,但是找不到,只好吃日本料理(George對日本料理特別鍾愛)。接著就去女人街逛逛,商場的擺設就像中華街夜市,不過這裡外國人多,老闆也很厲害,會講英文、中文、廣東話,有一攤賣衣服的老板娘因為客人反悔,講價談不攏破口大罵,讓我們見識到香港人的強悍。)
Then he led us to 新之城(Xin-Zhi-Cheng which is a outlet in Wikipedia) (he spoke cute Cantonese Chinese…I thought it's Xin-Ji-Cheng at first…then I realized it was Xin-Zhi-Cheng after seeing the broadcast ^_^) The outlet decoration is similar with“First square” in Taichung station. There was also another interlude, Sunny and Gigi turned back to change the handlace to necklace, but Coco wanted to take a look at purse in Puma shop; hence, we separated into two teams and maked an appointment to get together in Puma. We had no idea Xin-Zhi-Cheng is close to another outlet, so we couldn't find Sunny and Gigi!! Coco was almost crying and repeated those words again and again: “Scared! Scared!” dear Coco…no worries!! We all had cell phones. It taught us a lesson: Keep calm and face the difficulties, then u'll find the solution.(George帶我們去新之城(他講著可愛的廣東國語…一直以為新機城,後來看到招牌新的城)。裡面商場的擺設很像台中火車站的第一廣場。這裡還有一個小插曲。Sunny和gigi去把手環換成項鍊,coco想去puma看包包,所以我們分成2組,相約到puma集合,沒想到新的城跟另外一個商場是相鄰的,我們走到另一個商場,和Sunny、gigi走散,coco緊張的快哭出來,於是我和George去找Sunny、gigi,叫coco在手扶梯口等我們,還好George陪我去,眼尖的他看到她們,趕快回去找coco,哈~~她一直喊” 怕怕!怕怕!”哎呦~別擔心!coco,大家都有帶手機啊!真的找不到,就開機call對方就好了咩^^。學到一課:保持冷靜、面對困境,終能找到解決方案。)
Keeping walking made us thirsty! Gigi saw 大家姐龜苓膏(Da-Jia-Jie gui ling gao) which is recommend by H.K traveling book only cost 30 HKD, so we gave it a try!! Damn~ She saw wrong price, it was 50 HKD!!@O%X, what? 50 HKD(=6.75USD)!! It was only a bowl!! Hehe…Of course we can't miss temple street to ask future tellers, (not superstition, just for fun) But the street and futuretellers' stalls were so dark~~ a little terrible, hehe…gave up!! (Don't believe what the tour guide said... fewer people asked fortunetellers, and the street looked very gloomy)(走著很口渴想喝杯水,gigi看到書上推薦的大家姊龜苓膏才30元嚐一下囉,xx咧,小小的一碗居然要搶我50元。當然不能忘了廟街囉,想去算命(不是迷信,just for fun),但是好陰暗哦!不敢算…(書上寫得都是騙人的,很少人去算啊!看起來很恐怖。)
Then we went to 翠華(Cui-Hua) restaurant to eat dinner, I like curry pork the most, their curry was cooked with milk, more tasty!!The last stop today is Victoria Harbour in Tsim Sha Tsui! On the way there, we saw how beautiful H.K is !! The broadcast are choas and bright, big and gorgeous(it's very exaggerate!! But it's another beautiful scene with lights sparkling) the shop windows are all glasses and appear to people's eyes! Wow!! Incredible!! The Victoria Harbour was too amazing! The night view was so wonderful, H.K is worth called the Pearl of East! (肚子餓了去翠華餐廳吃飯,最愛它的咖哩豬,跟牛奶一起煮,濃郁又好吃。最後去尖沙咀的海濱長廊,途中,看見香港的美麗,招牌亂而明亮,大而華麗(大得很誇張,但是霓虹燈閃爍後,是另一番美麗)櫥窗式的行銷,一系列都是落地窗,每間店都緊緊相隔,非常吸引人的目光。到了海濱長廊,哇嗚!incredible,amazing果然不負東方之珠之盛名!)
There are many superstars' fingerprints in Avenue of Stars! I couldn't find Andy Liu's, so I took pix with Bruce Li!!(星光大道上面幾乎蓋滿了明星的手印,很想跟劉德華手印拍照,找不到只好跟李小龍銅像拍照囉!)