bangkok trip
Heading to Bangkok to visit Tony.I like KLM airplane.I was so tired before getting on the plane and wanna have a nice nap before arriving in bkk, so I asked the attendant to give me a cup of red wine, but she gave me a bottle of it.Hahaaa...nice girl^^ (前進曼谷去找Tony玩。我喜歡荷蘭航空。因為上飛機前我好累,因此很想在抵達曼谷前好好的打個小盹,所以我請空服員給我一杯紅酒,but她給我一瓶耶...哈哈哈!!真是好女孩^^)
Before visiting one of the important temple in bkk, Tony took me to a restaurant for lunch.We met friends from Singapore.It was lunch time, no talbe was available.Tony was nice to ask them to have lunch with us. (Tony帶我去吃午餐在去參觀寺廟前,我們遇到來自新加坡的朋友,因為座無虛席,所以我們請她們跟我們一起吃午餐囉)
2.Oh my goodness~~~The temple is so bling blingO.* How gorgeous!!I was shocked.haaa (我的老天爺啊~~~這寺廟未免也太金碧輝煌了吧...嚇到俺囉~~)
4.Finally could take a normal pic (終於可以好好的拍正常照)
The ancient people were good at wall painting.The paintings were so precise and wonderful.That made me can't help do chichi pose. (古代的畫家很厲害。這些牆畫非常的細緻,非常的嚴謹,令我忍不住又擺起做作的pose了)
Can you believe it presents for women bathroom???It looks like a lady-boy@@(你能想像這是女廁所的標識嗎??看起來很像是...人妖@@)
There are many fantastic carvings and figures.All of them are golden and shinning!! (裡面好多超神奇的雕刻和銅像,金光閃閃的呢^^)
Hi Sir, may I have the honor to take a pic with you???/shy/ (Hello Sir,我有這個榮幸可以和你照相嗎??(好害羞喔~~~)
Hey!! You are so rude to ignore me!!I'm so cute~~at least you should glance over me!!! (Hey,你怎麼那麼無禮啊???無視於我的存在~~我很可愛耶~~~你至少應該偷偷瞄我一眼吧)
Heard that men in bkk need to be monks before they are becoming adults. (聽說泰國人在成年之前都得當一下和尚)
The king's palace is outside the temple, and it's so beautiful. I can't help act modeling and take some chichi pix:P (國王的皇宮就在寺廟的外面,美不勝收的呢!!我又忍不住拍些做作的照片:P)
We admire you, Mr. police officers!! (我們敬愛你,親愛的警察大人!!)
The kid will blame his mom to bath him outside as he was young.^^ (我想這小孩將來一定會後悔媽媽在外面幫他洗澡^^)
What a lovely girl!! (很美的少女) are so personaility, Mr. blackie^^(哇塞!!你真有個性耶...小黑!!)Motorcycle taxi.It's so interesting that there are not only taxi but motorcycle taxi in bkk.It uses only for short distance trip.Very convenient. (機程車。好有趣喔!!在曼谷,不只有計程車還有機程車喔,但他們只做短程的服務,非常的便利)
Hello, babe!! you were here finally!! (寶貝啊~~~你終於來了)
Tony took us to a restaurant near his appartment for dinner.We were so hungry, only took one pic of the food, then we cleaned all dishes like grasshoppers. (Tony帶我們去他住的附近吃晚餐,我們餓到只拍一張食物照,接著就像蝗蟲狂掃食物)
Tony said we were so lucky that there was a big famous ceremony.We could make a wish by the flowers and put it on the water to let it flow with river.The last three pix look the same if I didn't change my pose.haa!!you all can't live without me^^(Tony說我們很lucky可以碰上非常盛大的祭典。我們可以許願,然後讓願望和花隨著河水流走。最後三張照片如果我沒改變我的pose的話,看起來幾乎一樣。哎~~果真沒有我不行)
4.Yun and I have a good unspoken understanding.As Tony lighted his flower and started to make a wish, we both sang"Happy Birthday" to Tony.Silly us!!It was a serious ceremony, but we played a joke with him:P Jasmine asked Tony what wish he made.Tony answered:
The next day, the shopping day^.* Tony made breakfast for us, and I didn't feel ashamed to ask him:"hey sir, could you pls give me a glass of juice??"felt like he is a waiter.hahaaa (隔日,shopping day^.* Tony為我們做早餐,我居然還厚臉皮的跟他說"先生,麻煩你,給我一杯果汁"哈哈!!把他當作waiter了呢)
Searching where to go by map. (看圖找路)
Mochit is so big, we kept walking.My feet were almost broken, but it was fun to hang aroudn with friends.Fortunately,there was a seat for rest in the plastic peral shop. (Mochit太大了啦,走到我的腿都快斷了,但是跟朋友嬉笑真的蠻有趣的。還好這家珠珠店有地方可以坐著休息)
Lunch time.
Do you know what's the usage of this skirt?? is a fitting room. (你知道這條裙子是幹麻用的嗎??它是一間試衣間啦^^)
Then we went to Chang for foot message. (去Chang做一下腳底按摩)
It was embarrassing and tickling for washing feet, but it was comfortable after massaging.Look!!After massaging, I started to harass yun. (給人洗腳真令人害羞,而且好癢喔!!不過腳底按摩完後,真舒服呢!!按摩完後,我開始騷擾yun)
The massage master said I am pretty.I asked Tony to translate" you have a good taste" to the master, but Tony said" I don't know how to translate it." pfffff....Tony thought I'm not pretty and didn't want to help me. hahaaa (這個師傅說我很美,我請Tony幫我翻譯"你真識貨",但Tony說他不知道怎麼翻譯。哼!!Tony覺得我不美,不幫人家翻譯啦.....)
Had dinner in Mango Tree.
Thai people respect elephants very much.They have many cute and good stuff by elephant shape.How cute!! (泰國人非常的尊重大象,他們有很多東西都是做成大象的形狀,真可愛!!)
Time to say goodbye.
My last meal in bkk.It was very nice to visit friends after a busy work sometimes.I'm glad I have such nice friends on the world.Although they aren't in TW,very far from me, I still feel very close to them.Thank you, friends. (在曼谷的最後一餐。偶爾在忙碌的工作之後去找朋友玩是一件很美好的事。我真高興我有一些好朋友在世界的角落。雖然他們不在台灣,離我非常的遠,但我還是覺得跟他們非常的親近。朋友們,謝謝你們!!)