lazy bum Fun Taiwan!!

have fun all the time!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Fun Xi Tou溪頭

How fantastic they are!! Yuxin practiced gymnastics in car and Zijing acted cute with the little pig foot her mom made. (哇~yuxin在車上做體操耶,zijing拿媽咪做的小豬腳裝可愛。他們兩個真的好Q喔)
How lovely they are:) [it means including me:P] (她們是不是很可愛啊...(她們有包括我喔^^)) Cute cute Monkey Queen:) (超可愛的女猴王)
Here we are, Xi Tou!! (溪頭!!我們來了~~~)
It's Year Pig, so there are many cute pig modeling objects. (今年是豬年,所以有很多可愛豬造型)
Sister Sumay was very hospitalital to prepare fruit and snacks for us.She called us to eat together and to take a rest.Then she threw up her chewing gum on a tissue bag beside her.After finishing fruit, she sat down and screamed!!Ha ha ha she sat down on her chewing gum.(Sumay姐好心的幫我們準備了水果和點心。她叫大家休息一下一起吃,然後她把口香糖吐在旁邊的一個面紙袋。吃完水果後,她坐下來然後大叫了一聲...哈哈哈...她坐到剛剛吐掉的口香糖了) Five pretty fairys.(Zijing had a good mood.Look!! She did many cute poses in Xitou, and seems like the nature.Mommy Chen!!!Take them to the nature more frequently!!) (五仙女!!zijing 今天心情好,擺了很多超讚的pose,看來她非常喜歡大自然喔!!陳媽媽!!!請多帶她們接近大自然吧:P)
Couldn't help act chichi like models:) (無法克制的想做作當麻豆:)
I knew that you all had intention of my beautiful leg./shy/ (我就知道你們覬覦我的美腿很久了...真令人害羞~~呵)

Ok Ok la...let's take a normal pic!!(Well...I still couldn't be normal:P)(好啦 好啦!!拍張正常的唄!![看來我還是無法正常耶:P])
Miss Limin...was that a ugly face?? Look at me and Yuxi!! (limin小姐,這是鬼臉嗎??請參考我和yuxin/o/)How chichi mommy Chen was!! She said she can't do any funny faces@@ (陳媽媽...你太做作囉!!她說她無法做鬼臉@@)
1.Yuxin looks brave but is a chicken like me in fact.(看起還很勇敢的yuxin,其實跟我一樣是膽小鬼)
2.Act cute(裝可愛一下)
3.Act funny(裝好笑)
4.Act ugly (裝醜) flexible she is!! No wonder I love her so much/kiss/(唉呦~~我真愛這個小寶貝...伸縮自如耶^^)

3.Look!!The father just tried to persuade Zijing to walk by her feet not to be hold in the arms. (這位老爹努力的說服zijing自己走,而非讓人家抱抱)
There are many beautiful scenes in Xitou, especially when I was there.Hohoho~~ (溪頭真的很美,尤其我在那裡...更美!!!hohoho~~~~)
1.Yuxin dumped my little monkey on the ground:((yuxin把人家的阿猴丟在地上啦!!)
3.Urocissa caerulea.It's not clear to see it. Pls take a look at my album where is the right link:viya's album(藍鵲。這裡看的不清楚,人客們可以上我的相簿去看^^) 9.We acted gang to smoke by cuttlefish strip,but Jaing smiled sneakly.(我們裝阿飛,還用魷魚絲學他們抽菸。but...小將啊~~~你幹麻偷笑/o/)
This one was better, but the cuttlefish strip was too small to see apperently. (這張就比較好些,可是魷魚絲太小了,看不太清楚)
I do love these two cute angels!! Zijing's mood was very great!! Can you see what she posed? Like a superstar!! And Yuxin always made fool pics^^ (這兩個小寶貝真得我愛!zijing的心情真好,動作超像明星的。yuxin總是做好笑的動作,第一張還半蹲...是被罰半蹲習慣了嗎???^^)
Keai Keai!! (可愛可愛!!)

Miss it really very embarrassed to take a pic with me and limin???? (zixun小姐,跟我和limin拍照有那麼丟臉嗎???)
1.closed eyes(閉眼睛)
2.opened eyes(睜大眼睛)
3.The father persuaded Zijing again to walk not to be hold in the arms.(老爹再次說服zijing自己走,不要給人用抱的)
4.The father got crazy to bite Yuxin's ass.(老爹後來發瘋要咬yuxin的屁屁)
I like its fog!!What an atmosphere!! (霧霧的感覺蠻棒的!!我還蠻愛的)
Act peeress. (哇~~貴婦耶!!)
What a happiness shot!! But mommy chen looked like dying:P (真是幸福的一個畫面啊!!但是陳媽咪看起來像快死掉一樣....太少運動了:P)
NICE car and beauty!!haaaa (香車美人喔...呵)
How wonderful!! (讚到無話可說)
ahhhh....What are you doing?? How sweet/shy/ (你們在幹什麼啊???會不會太甜蜜了一點...)
Yuxin...can't you be normal for awhile???^^ (你能不能正常一點啊,yuxin??)
Sweet Family:) (我的家庭真甜蜜:)) chichi I was/shy/(我怎麼那麼做作啊...好害羞喔:P)
Aunt Sumay, could you please don't bug me anymore??I am tired of being funny all the time.(Sumay阿姨,可以不要再搞我了嗎??我不想都在搞笑啦@@)

We met friends from Egypt.The father was so excited and asked me to "talk talk" with foreign friends. Nice that I can speak a little English^^ Welcome to Tw, friends!! (遇到埃及來的朋友。這位阿爸會不會太興奮了點,還要我跟他們talk talk。高興我會講一點英文,歡迎來台灣喔^^)
Look!!!Zijing was too awesome!! However, it depends on her mood, not been lucky everytime to see her nice poses!!(哇塞!!zijing真的太棒了。不過得看她的心情啦,心情好才有那麼棒的pose)
Standard tourists!! Took pics with Divine Tree. It was more than 3000 years old and was attacted by the thunder,but is still very amazing. (真的是標準的觀光客,大家都跟神木拍照。神木已經超過3000歲了,但是被雷攻擊剩下半棵,但還是令人驚豔)
Sister Sumay, were you so hungry???The noodle was almost dropped from ur month.hahaa (sumay姐...你真的很餓嗎???麵都要掉出來了啦...哈哈哈)
Why are you so adorable, Yuxin??? (唉呦...你會不會太可愛了啊...yuxin???)
Hallway on the sky. (天空迴廊)
1.Zijing had already slpet on her father's shoulder;Yuxin was very great to hold on but still very funny that her shoe was dropped off while she walked to the destination.(zijing 已經陣亡在阿爸的肩膀上面了;yuxin真的很棒,堅持到最後,但是當她繼續往前走向目的地的時候,鞋子掉了)3.I did Yoga pose.(我在做瑜珈) 4.Yuxin wanted to imitate me,but her leg is too short...heee!! looked so cute/kiss/(yuxin想模仿我做瑜珈,但腿太短了...看起來真的是Q到翻...阿姨親一下喔)

No wonder Yuxin can do many funny faces...look at her mom...hahaa (難怪yuxin可以做那麼多鬼臉,看看她娘就知道了...)
Okay Okay!! She is very nice and prettyO.o (好啦!好啦!人家她是很美的....)
Zijing couldn't help fell asleep. (zijing已經昏睡了)
I can't help praise Yuxin that she held on until the last minute. She told me many times to hold her in the arms, but I told her we will arrive destination soon so hold on until the last minute.She did make it to the last minute.Should give her a big kiss and a big clap^^As we were going to parking space, I found her face was very weird and bad looking. She was really tired, so I kept my words to hold her in the arms.(her weight raised a little, not lightO.o)While I hold her, she fell asleep on my shoulder right away and left saliva on my clothes......(我實在忍不住要稱讚yuxin一下,她居然堅持到最後。她告訴我好幾次"抱抱"但是我告訴她我們快到目的地囉,要忍耐一下。沒想到她真的撐到最後。應該給她一個大大的kiss和掌聲^^當我們走向停車場的時候,我發現她的臉很臭還吃著早上壓扁的麵包,她是真的累了,所以我只好遵守諾言抱她走。(可是她的體重有增加...嗚~~)當我一抱上她,她馬上在我的肩膀上睡著,而且還流口水在我的衣服上面...(淚....))

It's very great to take a trip with nice friends. Always have much fun. (跟好朋友出去玩真的是讚到不行...改天還要在一起去玩喔^^)