Penghu trip for Ten years friendship
How exciting that we four sweethearts met again!! We've discussed about Penghu trip for many years, and we made it until ten years. It was funny that we took the road from four places. Aisling was from Taipei; I was from Chunghwa; Vsop was from Tainan; and Skylee waited for us in Penghu island. (太興奮我們四個甜心可以相聚!我們已經討論去澎湖玩好幾年了,想不到10年後才實現!!好笑的是我們四個人都從不同地方出發:Aisling從台北,我從彰化,Vsop從台南,SKylee則在澎湖等我們)
After laying up our luggages, the first spot was Xian Jiao island. (放下行囊後,第一站:險礁)
1.Aisling acted charming. (裝嫵媚勒!!)
2.shot an advertisement:skylee sold the sunblock; I was the favorite user; aisling was the witness;and vsop was the director!! (拍廣告:skylee賣防曬油,我是愛用者,aisling是見證者,vsop是導演)
3.why did I laugh happily? (為何笑得那麼開心?)
4.coz I misunderstood the youngster was so nice to buy ricebox for us. (喔~原來我誤會了,以為這個年輕人買便當給我們哩)
It was very comfortable to sit on the abovedeck to enjoy the seawind.Though sun was so bright and hot, all you could feel was cool wind, and you could see all good views from sea.Welcome to Xian Jiao. Look!! It was the famous house which many films were shot here. (在甲板上面吹著海風很舒服,雖然太陽大又熱,但你還是可以看美景又享受這涼爽的海風。險礁到了!!趕快看!!那個是最有名的八厘米蔚藍屋)
Before waiting for our meal, tooking pix at first^^ (吃飯前,先拍照^^)
How similiar with MSN icon!! heeee..... (天啊!!這根本是MSN的圖示嘛!!)
Don't think about taking pic normally, Aisling!! If without us-me and Skylee, how could the pic be alive?? (Aisling ,休想拍正常的照片。如果少了Skylee和我,怎麼能讓你的照片栩栩如生呢??)
We played many kinds of water activities. I had no idea how to swim, but it was fun with best friends. As we played those activities, I thought I'll be flung into the sea; hence, I screamed loudly as well as I drank lots of seawater...sick@@ BTW, my chest was suffering a lot!! My sisters said that's because I am too thin to stop lifebelt board hit me!!/o/ Then we went for snorkelling. It is different from Kenting. The vendor didn't give us tube to breath, so we couldn't have our heads in the water so long.However, the sea view is more clear than in Kenting. I was smart this time to take our pix for memory. (我們玩很多的水上活動,雖然我不會游泳,但跟好友一起玩才有樂趣,所以拼了!!玩水上活動的時候,我都以為我會被甩出去,因此就狠狠叫,也喝了好幾口海水!!有夠難喝的啦O.o而且胸口被撞得很痛。姐妹們說因為我太瘦了,沒肉擋才會讓救生板狠狠的撞我@@接著我們去浮潛。跟墾丁不同的是,小販沒給我們呼吸管,所以我們無法潛入水中太久,但這裡的海景比墾丁還清澈。這次我夠聰明吧!!還記得拍照留念呢^^)
Byebye, Xian Jiao island.
Did I look like a fishman?heee^^(我已經變成一個討海人了。。。哈哈哈) Gee Bay island (吉貝-長沙)
1.We rent motorcycles to hang around.Aisling was my driver.
1.Galloping idea why it is called.
Went to rainbow bridge to see sunset. (去觀音亭、彩虹橋看日落)
You are always on my mind, babes/kiss/ (你們永遠在我的心中,親一下)
4.Skylee and her mom. Thx for Skylee's dad and mom.Treated us a lot.
7.Skylee's feet became red due to her mom's slipper...haha
Well...maybe I was seasickness so that I was crazy to kiss Vsop and Skylee.^^
Green Turtle Museum. (綠蠵龜博物館)
It is a national treasure animal. (它可是國寶級的喔!)
We rent motorcycle again to hang around Wang An island. We stopped on an old street. Look!! I looked like a farmer woman with ladybug symbol.hahahaa (再次租摩托車逛望安島。我們停在老街拍照。我像不像一隻瓢蟲的村姑啊。。。哈哈哈)
Tantai Shan.(天台山)Aisling and Vsop are flowers researchers, always looking for flowers!! Here was a legend that God Iv Dong Bean took a jounery to Penghu then he left his right step here.(the location was where my foot was^^) (Aisling 和Vsop是花花研究員,不斷的在找花。這裡有個傳說,當初呂洞賓來澎湖玩,就將他的右腳足跡留在望安島,足跡就在我的腳那裏)
Gaillardia Pluchella Foug.(天人菊)
Vsop and I looked so funny. She was so crafty to use gauze mask to proteck the sun.The big hat saved my life, I could hide myself in the hat...haha (我們兩個看起來也太好笑了吧!Vsop心機很重,還戴口罩防曬。這個大帽子真是我的救星,讓我可以躲在裡面)We met a whirlpoor on the way to Seven Beauty island. I hurt my both hand elbows. What the worse was I hit my ass badly coz my ass wasn't fat enough. Damn:(
Twin hears stone weir.(雙心石滬) Why didn't I take pic with it?? I was suffering much, and didn't have mood to take pix.@@ (為何我沒拍照呢??因為我還在痛,沒心情拍照@@)
Little Taiwan. (小台灣) Look!! How Aisling loves Taiwan!!! heee....(Aisling多愛台灣啊!!)
There were many bullshits on the road. You had to ride carefully in case fell down to eat shit./o/ Remember to wear sunblock all the time. The sun was very bright to hurt ur skin. (路上很多牛大便,騎車要特別的注意,免得跌個狗吃屎!!隨時隨地都要抹防曬油,太陽太曬了)
Waiting husband reef.(望夫石) It looks like a woman who is waiting for her husband back. (看起還很像一個女人在等她的丈夫回來)
Heading to Tong Pan island to watch Wen stone. After two days under the sun, Aisling was like another fishman.heee.... I was afraid that the wave will hurt me again, so I chose to stay inside the speedboat. It was bored and hot inside. I fell asleep soon. Everytime I opened my eyes, I discovered a human came inside and slept. hahaa...funny!! (去通盤看文石。經過兩天的曝曬,Aisling看起來像另外一個討海人。我很擔心海浪再次的傷害我,這次我就選擇坐在快艇裡面。裡面非常的悶熱讓我睡著了。每次我一張開眼,就會多一個人進來睡覺,真有趣。。。呵)
Min acted like a model, but Aisling was like a nut...hahaa!! Hey!! What are you doing, Aisling? Didn't your teacher teach you not to wash ur foot on the washing hand tank? I'm going to call the poiceman rightnow!! (我裝模特兒,而Aisling很像瘋婆子。。呵!! Aisling,你在幹嘛??難道你老師沒教你不能在洗手台洗腳嗎??我要打電話報警囉!!哈~)
Vsop and Aisling were shopping queens. Let Skylee and I wait for a long time, then we were asleep on the bench.(Vsop和 Aisling瘋狂的購物,讓我和 Skylee 在長凳上等到睡著了)
Love Love for sweet friendship!!(The bosslady of breakfast shop laughed hardly)
Beautiful windmill (好美的風車喔)
The oldest and most famous banyan. (最老最有名的老榕樹)
Cactus icecream. Look at our super red tongue^^
Wow!! Incredible!! The wind made Aisling's hair a heart shape!! (真不可思議!風吹得Aisling頭髮變成一個心型耶)
What a hot day!! Couldn't help hide myself into a hole O.O (太熱了,想躲在洞裡面)
The last meal in Penghu. Aisling was like a blackie after three days under the sun. She and Skylee sunburned their eyes' skin. I sold the cup; Vsop was like a model to show the cup; and Skylee was the trail client. As we saw the food, we were like hungry pigs to eat quickly. haha (在澎湖的最後一餐。Aisling經過三天的曝曬變成一隻小黑。她和Skylee都曬傷了眼皮。我在賣杯子,Vsop是我的showgirl, Skylee是試用者。當我們一見到食物,馬上就像小豬一樣趕快吃,哈~)
You are always in my mind,babes/kiss^^/(長駐我心,寶貝們!!)Time to say goodbye!! Friends for the life!!! (永遠的朋友,下次再相會!!)
【An afterword】 (後記)
Aisling sent us the pix that we traveled together in A-Li Mt. since three years ago. As time goes, we are still what we are, just our faces becomes mature. (Aisling寄我們三年前一起同遊阿里山的照片。時光飛逝,我們依舊是我們。。。只是臉有變成熟點)
What never changes are our friendship and our utter innocence.( We can't be normal when we are together...always laughing, always fun!!) (不變的卻是我們的友誼和赤子之心(當我們同在一起,都是歡笑與歡樂。。。很難正常耶!!!呵^^)
Original album:
Scenery album: