lazy bum Fun Taiwan!!

have fun all the time!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

couple weeks

I had a perm agian to welcome year 2007, though I'd like to have it straight at the beginning. It's not better look than the first time.Everytime I have a new hair style, I'll take some pictures to memeory:P (為了迎接2007年,我又去電頭髮,雖然一開始我是想要燙直。這一次就沒有第一次好看。每次只要有新髮型,我就會拍照紀念一下!)

My colleague, limin, asked me to participate in a tea reunion which is hold by Tzuchi charity fund. was interesting and funny. What interesting was it was my first time to join this kind of activities to pretend that I'm a lady; and what funny was I can't drink green tea at night, otherwise, I can't sleep!=.=The volunteers were very kind and enthusastic. See how good atmosphere they made, especially for the dessert...yummy!!!!(同事limin約我去參加慈濟的茶會。我覺得有趣又好笑。有趣的是這是我第一次參加這麼有氣質的活動;好笑的是...老娘根本不能喝茶,晚上會睡不著=.=這些義工非常熱心,把氣氛弄得很唯美,尤其是小點心...好吃的要命!!)

My colleague, limin, is very cute. She learned how to make tea once a week after work. Since I have a camara cell phone, we'd like to take some silly pictures.Hahaa...almost been taken with flowers. What does it mean?:P(limin長得非常可愛。她去那裏學茶道,下班後每個禮拜一次。既然我有一支照相手機,當然要拍一些搞笑照片...幾乎都是跟花一起拍...這代表甚麼呢?:P)

What an empty glory girl!!! Even if I fell down seriously and my leg was suffering much, I did want to take an empty glory picture.By the way , how did I fall down? Ummm...As I was on my way to work and caught the bus, I fell down in front of the door of the bus. Oh!! shame on me!! The driver asked me if I was all right. Though I bleed a lot, I still told him nothing at all due to I'm a modest girl...O.o(怎麼有那麼虛榮的少女呢!!!即使我跌倒的很嚴重,腿也很痛,但我還是想拍做作的照片。至於我怎麼跌倒的...說來真丟臉!那天要趕公車上班,結果就在公車的門前跌倒,好心的司機問我有沒有怎麼樣。痛得要命又拼命流血,但基於少女的矜持,我還是告訴他沒事O.o)

Relly nice to participate in the activity, at least I could relax a bit.(很高興參加這個活動,可以放鬆一下)
The little cute girl is my colleague's daughter and my favorite baby, yuxin. She can make many funny faces and do many funny things. You can buy her heart from food. She has a big belly certainly. Once I took her to kindergarten, she ran forward the door, then she fell down. As she wanted to cry for hurt, I dusted her trousers and lifted her clothes and said: Look!! your belly is still here, it's not suffering!!Then she stopped cring^^ (這是我最愛的小寶貝,yuxin,她是我同事的女兒啦。她很好玩,會做很多搞笑表情和事情。只要有食物,隨時都可以收買她。她有個大大的肚子。有一次我帶她去幼稚園,她跑向門前不小心跌倒了,就在她要哭的時候,我拍拍她褲子上的灰塵,然後拉開她的衣服說:你看,你的肚子還在,跌倒不會痛啦!!哈哈哈^^)

She stayed at hospital last two weeks ago due to fever. When the doctor saw her belly, he told her mom:Yuxin has flatus. Her mom answered: doctor, you misundertood! not flatus but big tummy. The doctor didn't believe what she said but insisted on doing some examination. After it, he knew he was wrong. Hahaa...I do love her^_^(兩個禮拜前,她因為發燒而住院。當醫生看到她的肚子,就告訴她娘:你女兒有脹氣。她娘回答:沒有啦,她是肚子大。醫生不相信,堅持要做檢查,事後,他明白他錯了...呵~~我真愛這個小寶貝呢!!!)

met Shuyun & Jeraldine

She, shuyun, is my best friend in Singapore.Hey hey...was I great enough to take nice picture for her? It was my second time to visit Singapore. I'd like to have a short trip and get rid of works for awhile. Yun is sweet and wonderful, and invited me to SG again. However, what made me disappointed was my worse skin this time...had some pimples on my face and skin peeled ...I had a strong feeling to renew my face.>"<(shuyun是我新加坡很要好的朋友。我覺得我把她的照片拍得真棒呢!!這是我第二次造訪新國,因為我想要一個短程旅行好讓我暫時忘掉工作。yun非常的貼心,邀請我再去新加坡玩。但是...令人沮喪的是這一次我的皮膚非常的糟糕,臉上既是痘又脫皮的...拜託!!我還想見人耶Orz我真想換膚...)

she took me to a nice park that no traveling agent will take you there, where you can see the whole view of the harbor.Please don't hit coz I'm forgetful, babe...I forgot its name:P Then we went to East Coast. Wow!!! As you see those beautiful views, you forget what bothers you in mind. Maybe the best job for me is :no work...heehee...what a lazy bum(yun帶我去一個很棒的公園,那裏可以看到整個海灣的景色,而且旅行社覺得不會帶你去的。只是我忘記它的名字,寶貝呀!!千萬別因為我健忘而打我喔!!然後我們就去東海岸。哇!!!當你看到這些漂亮的景色之後,你就會忘掉你的煩惱。我想最適合我的工作應該是"沒工作"吧...呵~~真是超級無敵懶鬼耶~~)

Here was a light show at night. I was so lucky that I had shows or exhubitions to watch everytime I was in Singapore. Please call me lucky girl:P It was near X'mas time, it was so pretty at night. You can see many beautiful and amazing lights and decorations on the street or in the hotels. After the show, we went to Muddy's bar. Well...I don't go to any bars or pubs in Taiwan but in Singapore...Funny!!(晚上有個燈光秀。我真的很lucky耶,每次到新加坡不是有展覽可以看就是有秀...哈!!由於接近聖誕節,新加坡的晚上特別美。在街上或是飯店裡,有好多很美的燈光和裝飾品,真是美不勝收!之後我們去一家酒吧。真好笑...在台灣我根本不會去Bar或Pub...但到新加坡就想去:P) Yun was so sweet and took me to stay at her home. Her place is great and can see the view of harbor. The floor was height so that wind was cool and comfortable.(Yun好貼心喔...好心的收留我,讓我住她家。她們家很棒,可以看到海灣的景色。樓層又高,風挺涼爽又舒服^^)
Then we went to Sentosa to ride go-kart and sit cable car( not real cable car, only a bench without doors,your feet hung on the sky)Look!! how scared I was!! I am a chicken...have a terrible fear of height.(之後我們去聖淘沙去坐空中纜車和go-kart,也不算是真的纜車,因為它只有一張沒有門長凳,你的腳會在空中晃=.=有沒有看到我的表情多驚恐,老娘可是有嚴重的懼高症呢!!!)

Because of heavy rain, we went to the biggest department store in SG to hang around.God was our witness that we weren't not shopping nuts:P(因為下大雨,所以我們先到新加坡最大的百貨公司晃一下,老天爺可以作證喔...不是我們愛逛的啦:P)

Then we had lunch in Muthu's curry. The food looked very decisous and the chicken there was very famous; however, I prefered the fish. My mouth is watering as I think about it.(我們去Muthu's curry吃午餐。它的食物看起來很可口,最有名的就是它的雞;but老娘獨愛它們的魚,現在只要想起還是會流口水^^)

The next was Clarke Quay. You all know what I did in Singapore now. Hahaaa you can say that again....eating all the time:P Here is a very nice Chocolete factory shop and it offers sofa to sit down. Thanks God make me skinny that everyone thinks I'm weak so that encourage me to eat more.^^(下一站是克拉克碼頭。現在大家知道我在新加坡都在幹嘛了吧!沒錯...就是一直吃:P這裡有一家很棒的巧克力專賣店,它還提供沙發給大家休息呢!這時候就會想感謝老天爺讓我那麼瘦,大家都會以為我很孱弱而不斷的叫我吃多一點^^)

Shuyun headed to Austria on the next day so that another hospitality friend, Jeraldine, had me in her care.Visiting Yoav was one of my schedules originally, but we didn't have time to meet. Fortunately he came back TW, glad that he was back safely^^ My flight was also the next day so that I asked Jeraldine to take me out at midnight, I'd like to seesight the shinning city in the dark. Singapore is very safe to lounge around at midnight.(Yun隔天要去澳地利,所以我投靠了另外一位好心又好客的朋友,Jerri。本來還要去拜訪Yoav,但是我們都沒時間。因為我的班機也在隔天,所以我請Jerri帶我出門,我想好好造訪她的夜色之美。新加坡真是太安全了,半夜都可以到處閒晃:P)

There was one thing interesting. The X'mas trees were very sparkle and awesome. We were happy to take with them. Suddenly, a voice turned up:I can help you!! I was very scared, nobody was there, where was the voice from? Then a very dark Indian stood up from the bench beside the X'mas tree. How embarrassed!! He was too dark to discovery he was there.Maybe the government should order them not out at night:P(Sorry, if I offend any people and friends. I didn't mean to hurt anybody. Just kidding!!I don't have any racial discrimination. If I did offend already, please forgive me^^)(對了!這裡發生了一件好笑的事情。她們的聖誕樹好美好閃亮,我想跟他們拍照,突然有個聲音出現:我可以幫妳們拍!我嚇到了,四下無人,怎麼會有聲音?然後就看到一個很黑的印度人從聖誕樹旁邊的長凳站起來。哎呀!!或許新國政府應該要考慮下令它們晚上不准外出才對:P)(我並沒有任何的種族歧視,如果有冒犯到任何人的話,我跟你們道歉^^)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

wedding in Tainan

WE ARE SISTERS FOVEVER!! Thanks for Max's wedding that made us be together again.(永遠的姐妹啦!!感恩Max結婚,讓我們可以再相聚!!更恭喜你讓自己嫁掉啦^+++^)

Josh said he never participated in tranditional wedding receiption in Taiwan. On the basic of hospitality politeness, I asked him to go with me.I felt a little sorry to him, didn't consider his situation well, maybe he was awkward and afraid that my friends will misunderstand us. I'm too careless.However, in my opinion, I don't think it was wrong. We are friends!!If we involve in some special relationship or companyship, then I'll be embarrassed and shy to him. Then I won't show him how wonderful Taiwan is to our foreign friends. Everyone is adult, be muture!!(Josh說他沒參加過台灣的傳統婚禮,基於好客,我邀請他一同參加婚禮。有點很抱歉,沒有考慮到他的處境,或許他會不自在並擔心朋友誤會我們兩個。我真是太粗心了!但是就我的觀點,我認為我沒做錯,我們是朋友啊!!如果我們有牽涉到曖昧或是交往,那麼我就無法讓他,外國朋友,知道台灣的美好,因為我會害羞。大家都是成年人,成熟點!!)

Oh sweet!! Congratulations!!(好甜蜜呦!! 恭喜恭喜^^)Share happiness from them. It was a small college reunion almost.(跟新人沾沾喜氣...幾乎是小型同學會了)

The next day, Vsop took Aisling ,Skylee, Josh and me to hang around Tainan. Hey hey...always funny pictures.(一定要搞笑的啦!!)

We four were roommates as we were in the Unervisity. Although we aren't not together often but our hearts are. Of course we care about each other(姊妹情深!!)

Look!! A big boy pretended he was cute..hahaa Josh, grow up!!(裝甚麼可愛啦,長大點,Josh!!)

Two idoits:P

Truth be told, I like to make friends with foreigners. They are honest to tell their feeling and are willing to discuss affairs or events with you if they treat u as their friend. Gosh!! My Taiwanese friends probably misundertand that I think they aren't honest...hahaaa

reunion with friends

My best friend, Arwee, came back from China. She is very capable and brave. She doesn't have any fear to score the big clients. Perhaps it's the reason that her company send her to China. We are very similar, for instance, funny and edgy personalities.Gosh...I miss her right now!!(Arwee...我最好的朋友,剛從中國回來。她能力很好又很勇敢,敢罵公司的大客戶。或許就是這麼有種才被派到中國吧!我們的個性很像,好玩又猴急...天啊!我現在居然開始想那位大嬸了)

Another reunion with students as I worked in cram school. They are also funny. What touches me most is they still remember me and we still keep in touch. It was MingHon's birthday. We celebrated in a hotpot shop which is opened by a star.(跟以前補習班的學生聚會。他們都是搞笑一族。最讓我感動的是他們還記得我並且我們都有連絡。那天是minghon的生日,我們去一家明星開的火鍋店幫他慶生。)

Wore a cute hat!! How cute they are^+++^

Tried to crush an oyster into my nose. Sorry to make everyone disappointed...I couldn't make it.(想把牡蠣塞進鼻孔。。。抱歉!讓大家失望了...塞不進去啦Orz)

Why can't I be normal for a monent?(為何我無法正常一下下呢?)

Have fun with them all the time. Minghon is on his duty on the army. He told me the soldier is very afraid to bend down and pick up soap as he is taking a shower. I couldn't understand at the beginning and couldn't help laugh hardly after his explaination. Don't think they are so swollen that they can't do any exercise. I went bickcling with them last time. They are all elastic fatters:P(跟他們在一起很好玩的。minghon告訴我當兵的趣事,他說當兵最怕洗澡時彎腰撿肥皂!剛開始我都聽不懂,但聽完他的解釋後,一直無法克制的大笑。別看他們那麼腫,以為他們不會運動。錯!!上次跟他們去騎腳踏車,才深深發現他們可是靈活的胖子呢!)

We met the star before leaving and seized the chance to take pictures with her!!