lazy bum Fun Taiwan!!

have fun all the time!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

1st March in sg!

It was our last morning in Singapore. We watched their TV news. The rate of crime increased 20%, and …what?? The major crimes were cars and mobiles stolen. Oh my~~ those news weren't a big deal in Taiwan. No wonder they have perfect public security. Don't think of the bad things are small but do them.(今天是最後一個在新加坡的早晨,看一下他們的新聞。新加坡的犯罪率也增加了20%。什麼?最主要的居然是車子和手機的失竊!天啊!這樣的新聞在台灣是上不了新聞台的。難怪人家的治安那麼好,勿以惡小而為之嘛!)

Before leaving Singapore, we had breakfast in Scarlet Hotel. Hahaa…the waiter wanna go back Taiwan with us. Sure, sure, welcome!! But he had to pay for the tickets(離開新加坡之前,去Scarlet吃早餐。嗯~~居然有服務生想跟我們回台灣。呵~~當然歡迎啦!只是機票要自己出喔!)

Because being bored to wait for the flight, we used the internet at the airport. Two idiots forgot the time of boarding the flight, dashed to the door 42! I did take enough exercise in Singapore.(由於候機很無聊,我們就在機場上網一下。兩個白痴忘了登機的時間,馬上衝向42號門。這次在新加坡真的是運動夠了!!)

Before getting off the plane, the airhostess reported it was only Fahrenheit 50 in Taipei. Oh my God~~I'm going to freeze to death!! I heard a 40 or 50 years old Singaporean male spoke in Taiwanese: “Damn~~I don't go to toilet for four hours!!” Hahaa…so cute!!(下飛機前,空姐報告台北的天氣只有10度C。哇勒~~冷到爆/o/...突然聽到一個約4、50歲的新加坡阿伯操著台語說:"坐了四個多鐘頭的飛機都沒上廁所,夭壽喔~~"哈哈哈!好可愛喔^^


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