27th Feb in sg!
We were a little tired (walked too much :P) and slept late. We checked out at afternoon and have lunch near Geylend area.( their famous area of night snack and red light) Many people looked at me, and a man praised about my sock…haha…maybe I should give him a pair one!!(有點累(路走太多)所以睡的晚。中午退房後,我們到Geylend(著名的宵夜區和紅燈區)吃午餐。很多人都往我這邊看,之後有個男人稱讚我的襪子好美…呵~我應該送他一雙的!)
Now…go forward to Shangrila Hotel in Sentosa!!(前進聖淘沙的香格里拉大飯店!!) Well…the view (our room faced sea) was beautiful, but the room I felt so so.After checking in, we decided to hang around Sentosa. (嗯~view是很美啦!(我們的房間是向海)但是房間裡面覺得so so而已)
Ummm…many people queued up at bus stop, I thought everyone was too lazy at my first sense, they were reluctant to climb. After walking several scenes, we realized why people preferred to take bus : Sentosa was so big and the weather was so hot, I also had a spot sun-scald. (哇!好多人排隊等公車,第一直覺認為大家怎麼那麼懶,不願意爬山運動一下。逛了幾個景點後,終於了解為何大家寧願搭巴士了。聖淘沙太大了,天氣又熱翻,我都有一點曬傷了。)
Finally, we couldn’t help take the bus to the cable cars station. We were so tired by walking too much. As we sat on the seat with the cool air-condition and the hypnosis sound of driver, we both fell asleep. He circled around Sentosa twice (about 40 mins) and then we waked up. We asked him why we haven’t arrived in cable cars station. He answered: “What? You both are still on the bus?? You missed the stop. We broadcast in English not in Chinese!!” Hahaa…fell asleep but didn’t hear his broadcasting.(最後還是受不了去搭巴士到纜車站。因為走太多路太累了,一上車,清涼的冷氣和司機催眠的聲音,我們都睡著了。等到司機繞了聖淘沙兩圈(約40分鐘)我們才醒來。奇怪!怎麼那麼久還沒抵達纜車站呢?司機驚訝的說:”什麼!你們還在車上啊!纜車站已經過了。我們廣播都用英文沒有中文的啦!”哈哈哈…睡著了,沒聽到他的廣播。)
After playing the G-max yesterday, I wasn’t very afraid of taking the cable car. (It cured 70% of my fear of height.) We arrived in Harbourfront and took MRT to have dinner in Chinatown. Two idiots ordered meals for four to five people. My tummy was going to explode!! In order to digest foods, we took a stroll to the neighbor department. Then we took taxi to Harbourfront (the expense of taxi is more cheaper than the MRT), and then took cable car again back to Sentosa.(經過昨天G-max的洗禮,比較沒那麼害怕搭纜車(已經治好我70%的懼高症)。到了港灣再撘MRT去牛車水吃晚餐。兩個白痴點了4、5人份的餐,肚子都快撐爆了@@。為了幫助消化,只好到附近的百貨公司逛一下。然後搭taxi回港灣(taxi的費用比MRT便宜耶)再搭纜車回聖淘沙。)Our legs were going to break and hurt a lot. It was over 10pm, most of the bus drivers went off.We reluctantly sat on the balustrade.(Look at our our distressed and funny appearance.) At the moment…a bus stopped, the driver imitated our SOS actions…funny!! He asked us where to and then said:” Okay!! It's next stop- Shangrila.” He was bound to go off, so nice to drive us back to the hotel.(喔!我們的腿都快斷了又好痛!已經超過10點了,多數的公車都下班了,兩個人無奈的坐在欄杆上(瞧瞧我們狼狽的模樣吧^^)…就在此時,一輛接駁車停下來,司機還模仿我們SOS的動作,真好笑!他問我們要去哪哩,然後爽快的說:”okay!下一站-香格里拉”他一定是下班了,但好心的他還是載我們回飯店。)
My shoes put on to broken coz of walking too much. (我的鞋因為走太多路,都被穿破了。)
Rasa sentosa is a nice place to stay. Did you visit Beufort Hotel? It is another nice hotel in Sentosa
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