lazy bum Fun Taiwan!!

have fun all the time!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

26th Feb in sg(2)!

Shuyun suggested to play G-max…Oh my God/o/…Oh my God/o/…I have very seriously fear of height. NO…NO…NO…but they forced me to play it!!(coz Dom was more afraid than I….hahaa) (Shuyun建議去玩G-max(類似高空彈跳)…天啊!天啊!我有嚴重的懼高症耶!不過還是屈服在她們的淫威下。(因為Dom比我更害怕…哈哈哈))

I was crying and laughing. Crying for my fear; laughing for their talking and laughing at my shrilling. I couldn’t stop it!! Finally, it stopped. My feet became weak and shaking. I sweated a lot, and there were some tears on my face. I don’t wanna play with those crazy women.When we watched DVD which recorded our expression on the machine, the audience in square laughed hard at me. ~~~>”<~~~shame on me!!(我邊哭邊笑。哭是因為害怕,笑是因為他們邊討論邊取笑我的尖叫。我也不想叫啊,就忍不住咩!終於…結束了。雙腿無力還抖個不停,又流汗又流淚的,再也不想跟這些瘋狂女人一起玩了@@。當我們在廣場看著被拍攝的DVD時候,大家都在取笑我。喔!!真丟臉)

It was a wonderful day, the wind was so comfortable. We took river taxi to sightseed around! Wow~~so cool!! The wind was like mother’s hand touching ur face thoughtfully. So comfortable that Dom doze off.hahaa…(今天真是美好的一天,風吹起來好舒服。接著就遊車河環繞新加坡!太酷了!這風就好像母親溫柔的雙手輕輕的撫摸你的臉龐,舒服到Dom打起瞌睡呢,呵~~)

We went to glutton’s bay in Esplanade to have dinner. There had charming night scene. Shuyun told me there were great chefs here. Why are they not in famous hotels? The government develops their tourism hard, and she wanna more people eat good and delicious foods. Good idea!! Enjoying the cool wind and charming night scene; the food were yummy and the fresh lemon cane juice was tasty. We were talking and eating…What a wonderful night!!(我們去Esplanade的glutton’s bay吃晚餐。這裡有著迷人的夜景。Shuyun說在這裡的可都是大廚喔!為什麼他們不在大飯店呢?原來他們政府致力推廣觀光,而且希望更多的人吃到好吃的食物。很棒的主意!享受著涼爽的風和迷人的夜景;吃著可口的食物和喝著解渴的檸檬甘蔗汁;邊用餐邊聊天…哇嗚!多美好的夜晚!)

After dinner, we watched shows on the waterfront. The youths were good at Hip-Hop. After the show, they took us to the attic of the Durian building to see night scene. Amazing~~so great!! If u sightsee in Singapore, please go there to take a look!!(晚餐後,我們去waterfront看表演。這些年輕人表演的Hip-Hop真的很有味道。後來我們去頂樓看夜景,真的是太神奇了,怎麼有那麼美的地方!如果大家來新加坡,請一定要來這裡看一看!)

We went to Paulaner brauhaus bar to drink bear. We’d like to listen to the live band show; however, they didn’t play on Sunday. A little pity, but we still had a great time with such cute friends.(之後我們去Paulaner brauhauss喝他們自釀的德國啤酒,本想聽live band的,不過星期天沒有表演。有點可惜,不過跟這些可愛的朋友在一起,倒也度過愉快的一天。)


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