lazy bum Fun Taiwan!!

have fun all the time!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

28th Feb in sg!

We had a relaxed morning (comparing with recent several days), sleeping at hotel, reading Sun Zi Bingfa , swimming in the pool( actually soaked myself into pool:P), walking on the beach…What a wonderful morning!(過了一個蠻悠閒的早晨(跟前幾天比起來),在飯店睡覺,讀孫子兵法,去泳池游泳(其實是泡水:P)在海灘上散步...真是個愉悅的早晨! )

We left for our final accommodation-the royal peacock hotel. The buildings here were between old and new, but they all had bright and beautiful color clothes.( The bathroom of the royal peacock was a little worse.)(往我們最後的住宿-孔雀黃酒店出發囉!這裡的建築介於新舊之間,但同樣擁有明亮活潑的色彩(不過...孔雀皇的浴室有點糟!)

We went forward to the little India. Whoa~~ so ~~ hot!! The buildings here were only two floors, and most of them were silver-goods shops.(Ummm…the Indians must be very rich…hahaa)(接著前往小印度區。哇~~熱爆了!這裡的建築只有兩層樓高,而且大多數都是銀樓耶(嗯~~~果然印度人都很有錢...呵~)
We chose a restaurant to eat the Indian fried cake which many backpackers recommended it, but we ordered wrong to the Nett. It was also delicious, especially its sources.(隨便選了一家餐廳想吃很多背包客推薦的印度煎餅,不過卻點到Nett。也蠻好吃的啦,醬料很可口。)
We had an appointment with cute Shuyun & interesting Dom at Hog's breath in Chijmes. Wow~~ cool !! The Chijmes is like a palace. It was a girl school before, but there were many distinctive restaurants here now. The steak they recommended was very yummy. ( I don't eat beef, but it looked very delicious…hahaa…I couldn’t help control my fingers.) They did know where the good foods are.(晚上跟可愛的Shuyun和有趣的Dom相約在讚美廣場的Hog's breath。哇~~好酷喔!讚美廣場根本跟皇宮一樣嘛!以前是女子學校,現在卻擁有很多很有特色的餐廳。他們推薦的牛排真的很好吃(其實我是不吃牛的,但是它看起來好好吃喔!忍不住就破戒了:P)他們果然知道哪裡有好吃的!!

Dom suggested us to visit the villas of the rich, he drove us around there. Queenie asked him if couples have to pay lots as they divorced. He answered: "If the man was a pauper at first, and u married him, then u divorced as he became rich, then u can get a big fortune." Cool…so I asked him to introduce a potential pauper to me.^_^ (really an empty glory girl!!)(Dom提議去參觀有錢人的別墅,便開著車帶我們去繞繞。Queenie問他是否在新加坡離婚雙方要付出很大的代價。Dom說:"如果這個男人剛開始是個窮光蛋,你們就結婚,當他富有後你們才離婚,那麼這個女人可以得到一大筆財產。"太棒了!於是我請Dom幫我介紹一個有潛力的窮光蛋^_^(真是一個虛榮的女人!!))

We drank red wine and had fun at Eskibar in Holland Village. A cool bar!!(我們在荷蘭村的一個愛斯基摩bar喝著紅酒,渡過一個愉快的夜晚!這間bar真的很酷!)

Too cold...we got warm together!! Hahaa...Dom was pushed out. poor Dom!!(太冷了...我們互相取暖。哈哈哈...Dom 被排擠了。好可憐的模樣喔!)


At 11:59 AM , Blogger Kevin Kowalski said...

I loved SIngapore. I visited with Wes and we went to the Night Safari and some of the places you show in your pictures. My favorite spot was on the river. The restaurants were very nice along the river. Very informative blog. Talk to you soon.


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