lazy bum Fun Taiwan!!

have fun all the time!!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

24th Feb in sg!

Having no mood to work, my heart is going to singapore, excied is more than nervous. After lunch, Carrie drave me to the Ubus stop to the airport. Queenie didn't arrive in the airport; hence, I hung around by myself.

After flying for four hours, we finally arrived in sg. (經過四小時多的飛行,終於到了新加坡)
Wow! cool! their airport is very beautiful. we should design ours more prettier, it's our appearence to welcome foreigner friends. (哇!他們的機場好漂亮,我們也該好好設計一下,這可是我們歡迎國外嘉賓的門面呢!!)

Daniel and Eliza came to pick us up, so embarrassed by waiting us so long. They drave us to Hotel81-Palace. Despite the fact that it's a famous red light area, I was afraid of it at first. what!! This is a part of traveling adventure. I'm not reluctant to miss it! So excited about it.I'd like to take their photos, it's cool!As approaching them, I was a chicken and scared they will hit me. I'll make it tomorrow!!(真抱歉讓Daniel 和Eliza等那麼久,他們來接機送我們去Hotel81-Palace。儘管我們是住在紅燈區,剛開始很害怕,但是 what!!這也是旅行冒險的一部份,絕對不能錯過,開始興奮起來,一定要把它拍起來!當我們慢慢接近她們的時候,我真是膽小鬼,擔心被揍...不管啦!明天一定要成功!)

Fortunately , they accompanied us.The clerk spoke Mayla English. I'm not used to English, no mention to Maylay's. Hahaha...I reserved room by Viya not Shuming, no wonder they can't find it! I was wondering if their reservation paper works. It was booked by Shuming not Viya. (還好有他們的陪伴。櫃檯講著馬來英文,我不習慣英文,更別提馬來英文。哈哈...原來我是用viya訂房而非中文名字,難怪他們找不到。不過開始懷疑預約單有用嗎?明明上面寫的是中文名字而非viya呀!)

Well...the room is really smalll but it's fine. Its purpose is just for sleeping at night! Damn~~their aircondition is so strong, cold to death!!(嗯~~房間是有點小啦但還蠻乾淨的。反正只是用來晚上睡覺的。不過...冷氣未免也太強了,冷的要命!!)

Introduce my cute friends:

Queenie-fell down in sg. everyday. we bought tickets together for special discount. It was our first time to meet each other at International airport.(每天在新加坡跌倒的Queenie,我們一起湊票去新加坡,第一次見面就在中正機場。)

Daniel & Eliza-nice couple(超優的一對夫妻)

Shuyun-sweet girl with long eyelight and sexy lip and eyes


Dominic-Liu Er Jin in cute、 humorous、nice and mature.(新加坡版的劉爾金,很cute、幽默、成熟又體貼)

Viya-the reporter



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