lazy bum Fun Taiwan!!

have fun all the time!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

26th Feb in sg(1)!

Surprise!! The body performers worked so early!! I took them sneaky.The girls at night were more hot.(Surprise!!這些人體表演工作者今天那麼早上工,趕快偷拍一下!晚上的比較辣。)

We had breakfast near Dom’s home. The Mayla bread within cheese and onion ege was so special and delicious, but the boss gave us too big. The black radish cake was also yummy, I ate fully!!(我們到Dom家附近吃早餐。這個用cheese和蔥蛋做成的馬來麵包很特別也很好吃,不過老闆給的太大了。黑色菜頭粿也很美味,簡直吃撐了。)

Then we went to Pertap’s Children’s Home with Shuyun, she was responsible for for the charity project. I can’t image that it happened in Singapore, such a law and order country, they also have oppressive kids.(most of them are Maylas)(我們跟著Shuyun到Pertap’s兒童之家,她負責其中一個charity專案。很難想像治安那麼好的新加坡也會有受虐兒(大部分都是馬來人))

We spent much time on Pertap’s so that we missed the flying show. Meanwhile, we also spent much time finding ways to Aerospace coz the traffic was controlled. Then we figured out we could only take their bus to the exhibition.(The bus was very clean.) (我們在兒童之家花了比較久的時間以致於錯過了航空秀。同時我們也花蠻久的時間找路去航空展,因為交通管制的關係。後來我們才發現原來只能搭公車去會場。(他們巴士真乾淨耶))

However, we still earned a big harvest; we took their pre-president Mr. Wu Zuo Dong. I heard from Shuyun that he was nice and lived simply, people liked him a lot. (不過,我們還是有很大的收穫;我們拍到了前總理吳作棟先生。聽Shuyun說他是個很好且生活樸實的管理者,人民都很愛載他。)

We took some pics with airmen and a fake hand( it fell down......hahaa) and etc.(跟飛行員拍了一些照還和一隻掉落的假手搞笑一下)

Too hot…the coconut milk was so cool~~(太熱了,喝著涼涼的椰子汁,太棒了~~)

After the exhibition, we sightseed in Clerke Quay. The building is new, and its color is bright, look nice!!(看完展覽,我們就晃到克拉克碼頭。建築物很新,色彩很鮮明活潑。)

A cute baby suddenly slipped and fell down. Cute~(一個可愛的寶寶滑倒了,真cute!)


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