25th Feb in sg!
Shuyun came to pick us up at ten in the morning. Our middle name is the same and we wore similar sandals at our first time meeting.Destiny bring us together.(早上10點Shuyun 來接我們。我們中間的名字一樣,第一次見面就穿類似的涼鞋,我們真有緣呢!)
She drave us to 67 killiney kopitiam to have breakfast. Oh my~~the KAYA jelly was so delicious, especiall it matched the fried toast. The fish rice(Mayla's food) was also yummy, and the barley was also good to drink. Dominic came after we finished breakfast.And them they took us to hang around. (她帶我們去67 killiney kopitiam吃早餐。天啊!KAYA真的太好吃了,尤其配上烤麵包,那個馬來食物-魚飯(不知正確名字)也很入味,而薏米水(barley)也不會太甜很好呵。吃完早餐後,Dominic才來,接著就帶我們到處晃。)
the sky of 45 storey building was so blue and the field of vision was very good. Dom told us if we circled around the fountain 28 times, and then our wishes will come true. He played us a joke. The sign said only 3 times.(45層樓的天空非常的藍,視野非常的遼闊。Dom說如果我們繞著噴泉28圈,我們的願望就會實現。嘿嘿~~他在跟我們開玩笑,因為指示牌說只要3圈就好。)
Another interesting appearance:they queued up for the taxi. It won't happen in Taiwan.Maybe the taxi drivers in Taiwan should work in Singapore.Then they won't worry they don't have customers.(發現另外一個有趣的現象:他們排隊等計程車耶!在台灣應該不會有吧。或許計程車司機應該到新加坡工作,這樣就不用擔心沒有客人
They too us to the 7th storey Hotel Food Court to eat famous Hainanese chicken rice and a coal chafing dish.Whoa~~cool, very delicious, yummy yummy.(他們帶我們去第七層樓酒店的旁邊吃道地的海南雞飯和煤炭火鍋,真的很好吃)
Ashme of me at the night safari, so afraid that I grabbed Shuyun's hand tightly and started to dub Asia Tigers with Dom. Hahaa...maybe we should be performers.After the animal show, we went to Founder Rou Gu Cha Cafeteria(under the New Orchid Hotel) to eat rou gu cha! It wasn't greasy but good to eat.What a pity...My camera didn't have the electricity so that I couldn't take it. (到夜間動物園真的很丟臉,太害怕了,所以一直緊抓著Shuyun,而且還和Dom幫亞洲虎配音,看來我們還蠻適合當演員的。看完動物秀後,我們去新胡姬酒店下面的發起人餐廳吃肉骨茶,哇塞!真的很好吃,不油不膩。真可惜...相機沒電,不能拍照)
We discussed about "the body performers"(whore) and decided to take them on the sly by Queenie's camara. Damn...was their business too good?Only males were on the street, thus we spoiled our fun and returned to Hotel 81. I'm bound to make it tomorrow! (我們討論著人體表演工作者(雞)並決定用Queenie的相機拍。現在是什麼情況?生意太好了是吧?居然只剩男人站壁,只好掃興的回飯店,不管!明天一定要成功。)
Shuyun said we were so lucky. It was their pre-president's funeral today and their last session of Asian Aerospace will be closed on 26th Feb.Hahaa...she laughed at us and meant what a great time we choose to sg^^ (Shuyun說我們非常的幸運,今天是他們前總理的葬禮,明天是最後一屆的亞太航空展。哈哈哈~~~她在笑我們真會挑時間去新加坡呢!)
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