Arwee's birthday
Jiang jiang jiang jiang!! Celebrations for Arwee's birthday. Long, Arwee's bro, bought us a big dinner in Freshfield hotel . Wow!! This hotel is new and has a good atmosphere to have meals. (將將將將!!Arwee生日會開始囉!Long,Arwee的弟,請我們去清新溫泉飯店吃大餐耶。這間飯店蠻新的,氣氛也蠻讚的,很適合用餐)
1.normal pic(先拍一下正常的)
2.Long started being stupid.(Long開始裝呆)
3.acted shy(大家一起裝害羞) cool, Long!! I wanna play with him, always can be ugly, ugly to handsome.haa^^(哇Long,我以後都要跟你玩,醜的好帥啊^^)'s Arwee's birthday, she is Miss boss. Hence, I tried to please her by my mom's agate.(嗯...這是Arwee的生日,她是老大,所以趕緊拿xie媽媽的瑪瑙伺候她一下)
1.Majesty!! Long live!!(太后,萬歲萬歲萬萬歲!!)
2.Majesty!!May I have honer to touch ur hand?(I looked like a turtle@@)(真有榮幸摸一下太后的手(媽呀@@我怎麼那麼龜哩))
3.Did massage for Majesty!!(幫太后抓龍一下)
4.Finally, I could become back a normal person:P(終於可以恢復正常了:P) How sweety/shy/(哇!!好sweety耶(好害羞喔))
The design there is nice^^(這裡的設計還蠻讚的)
After a big dinner, we went to gym there. What an ugly face Arwee had!!(大餐後,去健身房運動一下。Arwee大大,你的臉未免也太醜了點@@)
But I was worse than her...haa(但我比她更糟...哈)
Gave her a bat sneakly, but still couldn't hurt her /o/ And see how silly my sister was!! She is very thin as like a monkey now due to brace.(從背後偷襲她一下,依舊無法傷到她/o/ 看看我妹多呆啊!!現在瘦的像阿猴,都是牙套惹的禍)
Old friends are wonderful. We've known each other for 10 years. I appreciate and tresure our friendship. It's not easy to find true friends. Hence, if you have some, remember to stick on them for life^_^(朋友還是老的好!我們已經認識10年了。非常的珍惜我們之間的友誼。要找真心朋友是非常不容易低...所以如果你已經有了這樣朋友,記得要好好的黏住他們一輩子喔^_^)
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